I hear the voice of rage and ruin...

...I know the end is coming soon.


Name: Grehmoen Sundyrfyrwyn.
Alias: “Tranquil Moon”, “Moon”.
Age: Late twenties.
Race: Roegadyn.
Clan: Hellsguard.
Gender: Cis female.
Sexuality: Mildly heterosexual.
Marital Status: Taken.
Languages: Common, Roegadyn.
Residence: Lavender Beds.

A young woman hailing from the northern foothills of Abalathia's Spine who very, very few know as Zirnberkahct-- a very tiny village of hellsguard roegadyn. Despite her appearances, Moon is a calm and collected lass with a soft heart and a motherly demeanor. Coming to settle in the city-states, Moon is known as a healer, primarily a provider for preventive and general care. Should a patient have need for more focused care, she would gladly offer referrals. When out of the "office"... There are rumors that she is out in the woods late at night, doing Gods knows what. The whispers say she's stripped of her earthly garb, singing in tongues not a single soul understands.


Moon carries a more full-figured physique with wider hips and a thicker waist, lacking the bulk of muscles her race is known for. Her dark complexion is an average but clean one accented with ruby or deep browns for painted lips and her eyes outlined by a smokey black, the tip of her nose marked by the common hellsguard sooty appearance. She hardly leaves her home without being "dolled up" with make up or nails painted.

Most of her scars are tiny and rarely seen outside of her private chambers as they linger at the length from her ankles to her knees.
The one to likely see the light of day is the three ilm cut across her palm, highlighted by the darker pigmentation of not only scarring but what might appear to be tattoo ink.
What was once an intricate sleeve of "ink" along her left arm became true tattoos along the entirety of her body. Precise, detailed sigils, symbols and lines of flora adorn her body with the bulk of it all being on her limbs.

Voice Claim: Lisa Hannigan*Volume warming just in case, start low and turn up as needed!
Sorry for that.

Her Home

Nestled against a cluster of five mountains in the northern foothills of Abalathia’s Spine known as Pfymbroda, is Moon’s village, Zirnberkahct. Named for the rivers of molten rock they once spewed when their ancestors first settled some time before the War of the Magi. The mountains themselves now have fallen silent, no longer pouring magma from their mouths.Years passed and soon the area around Pfymbroda was able to flourish, adding the Brodazedyr wood thanks to the intense efforts of their ancestors and the seeds of their old home that were brought with them. Eventually, this forest would house the accursed Staelhylt which had been brought about around the time of the Sixth Umbral Calamity.Unfortunately, a majority of the population had been wiped out either by the onset calamity or the newly added voidsent activity, their once bustling city had now fallen to ruin. Those few that remained established a strict code to keep them and their future generations within in the hopes of restoring it to it’s former glory… With given time, their people would stabilize, but not to the numbers that there once was. Having been reclusive for many years after, they had developed their own traditions and celebrations, worshipping the Twelve and incorporating these deities into their daily lives.In time, a decade or so prior to the Seventh Umbral Calamity, their cousins from Aerslaent began to return for trading, sharing skills, and general re-connection with their long lost families, eventually allowing other races to come trade and communicate. Though, they would have to cross the other dangerous, barren mountains Abalathia’s Spine had to spare to reach the hidden hamlet.

Her Traditions

--real life inspiration, Yule. Known as the longest, darkest night of the year. It is celebrated somewhat like Starlight, the sun is always the main focus and praise in every holiday, bonfires outside, candles set on window sills, evergreens are brought in and decorated throughout homes to remind them that life will flourish once more in green.

--real life inspiration, Imbolc. Many in her village view this as a cleansing holiday and rebirth. Also, they will light a candle to set in their windows to welcome back the sun.

--real life inspiration, Ostara. "Resurrection", life born anew.. It is a final farewell to shake off winter’s icy grip, and to welcome life again.

--real life inspiration, Beltane. Bonfires, bonfires, bonfires! This holiday is a call for the sun itself, celebrations are high energy and Moon’s personal favorite for the amount of merriment that is done. Many choose to practice the fire walk/walking on hot coals as a right of passage. It is also a time for couples to be sexually charged if they so choose, or pray for children and fertility.

--real life inspiration, Litha. The sun is at it’s highest point, more bonfires for worship… Offering or sharing flower crowns or braiding traded flora into beards or long hair are common during this time with LOTS of vibrant colors…

--real life inspiration, Lammas. Is the first of three harvests. Carved, decorated bread. That’s all you need to know.

--real life inspiration, Mabon. This would be her village’s time of second harvest. A common activity during this time would involve giving thanks to their harvests thus far, as well as the company one keeps close. Lots of food is made…

--real life inspiration, Samhain. This is when “the veil to the dark is most thin” and a good time to ward off evil spirits and welcome the benevolent ones for protection and include them in the celebration. It is opposite of Beltane, meaning death and waning sunlight. This isn’t viewed as a scary thing however, as it is a necessity for life to them.


🟉Witchcraft: The craft brings many things-- fortune, love, good luck, good health, grief, pain, sickness-- the list can go on. Benevolent or cruel... Perhaps something in between, it can be made in the form of a sigil or carved candle, a scroll or incantation, a potion or trinket. If one knows the right price and the right materials to make it happen, all one needs but do is call upon the witch.🟉Coven: A family all on in its own, where ideas and traditions and celebrations are shared amongst both the shadows of night, dancing by the bonfire as well as in the warmth and light of the sun. All are welcome in the deep bramble. Under oath, of course. *Idea might be on semi-hiatus.🟉Wanderlust: A woman of letting the whims of the wind or her mind take her, she may very well end up in a place yet to be visited, or has been visited plenty. Whatever strikes her mood!🟉Abalathia’s Spine: The harsh mountain climes offer few amenities or invitations to visitors, but there may be one small settlement willing to take in someone needing reprieve. Be careful not to upset the locals of Zernberkahct.🟉Healing: Healing comes in varying forms, but to sate the adventurers who prefer aetheric means or medicinal, its a boon to know both. Or, she doesn't have to heal at all!🟉Colleagues: The ways of healing ever change and progress, and there remain diseases yet unknown. What better way to assist your fellow man than to discuss cases, ask for second opinions and look for general support?🟉The Lazy Shadow: Careful when treading the beaten paths of a particular part of the Lavender Beds, there are rumors of a large panther roaming an overgrown yard. It hasn't attacked anyone, nor dares leave the home's grounds... Maybe don't taunt the creature to test its boundaries.🟉???: These hooks are not the sole route of interacting with Moon, feel free to shoot me an idea and I will find a way to run with it.
Came across Moon in the dead of night, dancing and singing away in her nameday suit next to a roaring fire? Saw her wandering the alleys in the Steps of Thal? By the Alchemist's guild? Have an idea of your own? I may be welcome to it!

Of Moon

Art by me

My art is mediocre at best, and it's all purely for fun.

Art by others

With Family

With Friends

Out of Character

Mature roleplay; sexual content, violence/gore, drug use, etc. (Within reason).
Slice of life.
Walk up roleplay.
Pre-established relationships; previous encounters, family, friend, ex-lover, enemy, rival, business contact, former/current patient, etc.
✓ Long♥ or short term roleplay.
✓ Temporary injury.
✗ Romance.
❔Long term or permanent injury. Ask.
✗ Death/killing Moon.

✓ In game roleplay.♥
✓ Discord roleplay. (When we have established a good connection.)
✓ I do indeed use CRIMES.
🔞 The player is 30+, and I have a preference for my partners to be 21+ due to possible themes.

🌙 /tell first before walking up, I'm likely alt-tabbed.
🌙 DC/Server: Crystal/Balmung.
🌙 On the subject of erotic writing, it isn't a priority and it could very well end in FtB.
🌙 I am not Moon, and she is not me.
🌙 OoC bleeding is a no-go.
🌙 OoC romance won't happen here. OoC friendships, however? Please! I love running content with friends.
🌙 Bending lore is fine, all I ask is try to make it fit in the realm of the world.
🌙 Writing style is multi-paragraph, third person, and very mediocre purple prose. But I'm also flexible and can tune to my partner/the scene.
🌙 Bigotry of any kind is a given no-go.